New Feature List
- Package Categories
- Package Bundles
- Streamed Document Package
- Default Delivery Method
- Package Pre-Cache Function
- Task History
- Automated Inventory Scans After Distribution Tasks
Package Categories
- All packages and links can now have a category
- Used for grouping and filtering in the user portal
- Categories are shared between between SWD Packages and Link Manager
Package bundles
- Leverages groups in distribution packages
- You can set the install order
- Allows for packages to be grouped and ordered
- Categories are supported
New Streamed Document Type
- Link for any file type (.txt, .pdf, .docx, .msi, etc..)
(When opened it uses the current associated shell application (by file extension) defined for the clients operating system)
- Streamed from the portal (New Portal ONLY), not downloaded to the client
Default Delivery Method
- New shared control to select a default delivery method
- Set as a Global Value
- Only enabled for Administrators
Package Pre-Cache Feature
- Downloads the package(s) to the clients machine.
- Does not perform the install
- Stays in the clients cache directory for whatever cache setting you have set for your clients. Default is 7 days for PC and 30 days for Mac.
Task History
- Task history is automatically gathered and stored in the clients database
Task History Maintenance
- Enable automatic cleanup of task history in the client database
- Configured in Agent settings and must be associate with each client
- Configurable by days to keep, a value of 0 will delete all task history from the client database
- If not set, all task history will continue to be stored
Automated Inventory Scans After Distribution Tasks
- Inventory settings located in Agent settings UI
- Requires an Inventory setting to be associated with each client (Agent configuration / Agent Settings
- Creates a local scheduler task from the current time plus a delay
»If multiple packages are installed, the local scheduled task is added/updated with the new time. Always uses the same task id (779)
–Two delay settings
»Initial delay, minimum of 5 minutes, maximum of 60 minutes, default 5 minutes
»Additional random delay to help stagger scans (reduce the load on the core), minimum of 0 minutes and maximum of 60 minutes, default 15 minutes (will randomize between 0 and the value set)