Hi there!
I'm currently customizing the software distribution deferral notifications which are located in \\LANDESKHOST\ldlogon\html (html and javascript files). So far it's working fine but there is one issue I have.
The value of the PackageDescription variable which I need to display is always empty. It doesn't matter which package I'm deploying. Of course the packages have a description set in LANDesk console.
To check, I displayed all variables available on the notification window. PackageDescription is the only one which is empty (see screenshot attached). To code I'm using in deferraldeploywithmessage.html looks like:
<tr> <td> <p><img src="images/logo.gif"> </p> <p class="style1"><script language="javascript">document.write(GetVariable("PackageName"));</script></p> <p class="style1">Description:<script language="javascript">document.write(GetVariable("PackageDescription"));</script></p> <p class="style1"><script language="javascript">document.write(GetVariable("CustomMessage"));</script></p> </td></tr>
Does anybody have an idea why this happens and how to solve this issue?
Thank you very in advance much for your answer.