Sometimes drives run out of space quickly due to patching. This guide will walk you through altering the retention of files within the SDMCache Folder
9.6 SP1 and Later Solution:
Within your Agent Settings locate the Client Connectivity options. Go to the Download Tab and alter the Number of days files stay in cache to whatever value you would like.
9.6 and Earlier Solution:
Previous versions will require a registry key to be altered on the client machines. This can be done with a bat, script, or the provisioning tool. You will need to alter the following keys:
- HKLM\Software\Intel\LANDesk\LDWM\Distribution\Multicast\Discard Period
- HKLM\Software\Intel\LANDesk\LDWM\Distribution\Multicast\Subnet Rep Discard Period
- HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Intel\LANDesk\LDWM\Distribution\Multicast\Discard Period
- HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Intel\LANDesk\LDWM\Distribution\Multicast\Subnet Rep Discard Period
Default Data for Discard Period is set to (604800) in seconds = 7 days
Default Data for Subnet Rep Discard Period is set to (1209600) in seconds = 14 days