When create a software distribution, click save, there is an error popup:
A software distribution task must have a valid name, a main distribution package, and a delivery method.
The delivery method is disappeared in database default value for some reason. You need to have the default value set in databse.
Check the delivery method is set normally in database. For example:
DB name: coredb
SELECT * FROM [coredb].[dbo].[AgentBehavior] where name = 'standard policy-supported push distribution'
The SQL will return a value to you. If not, try export and import the delivery method from other core servers.
Export delivery method:
Import delivery method, to gropus specified in the .ldms file:
Now check the database, you will have 'standard policy-supported push distribution' in AgentBehavior table. The AgentBehavior_Idn should be same as the IntValue in KeyValue table.
By befault, the value will be '2', but when you import the delivery method, the value should be new in AgentBehavior table. Now you should update the KeyValue table as following:
Update KeyValue Set IntValue = 99999*
Where KeyName='SWD_DefaultDeliveryMethod'
*The value 99999 should be replaced by the real one in your environment.
Now go back to your console and create a software distribution task, the task can be created successfully without any error.
LDMS 9.6 and later