If you migrate to a new LANDESK Core server, one of the challenges can be getting all of the SWD packages updated with the new server name.
If using CoreSync is not an option, then this query will help to update the package paths that are defined in the individual SWD packages.
As always, before running any query that could negatively impact your environment ensure the following.
1. You have a verified backup of your database.
2. Test in a non production system before applying any changes to a production environment.
/****** Query to update package paths in all SWD packages ******/
(FULL_PATH, 'OldServerName', 'NewServerName') WHERE FULL_PATH LIKE '%OldServerName%'
This query will update all of the paths for the Primary File in the SWD package as well as all Additional Files.
Here is the package after running the sql command.