9.5 sp1 - I've been pushing out IE10 to several Win 7 computers where they are running IE 9. I have been testing it as a standard exe software distribution package. I have tried various combinations of switches available available via the install.exe /?. Please /? me!
First, no matter what switches I use SO FAR, IE would always install in the background, give no indication it was installing and then reboot the computer automatically. It's like it thinks I am using /quiet /reboot no matter what I use. I havent got to /norestart yet.
I was testing on the same box over and over again, with new switch options, and uninstalling manually every time. Then updating inventory on machine and the redoing with different switch combinations. But always, it installed and did an automatic reboot.
This last time, I tried with NO switches. And now it just seems not to be working at all! Machine gets discovered and then it just hangs there and eventually fails with a message about host not being found (sorry, didnt write it down). But the host is right here in my office, and it's online with no sleep or hibernate.
So, did I just run out of valid test installs on this same box by doing it over and over again? And what's with the switch documentation that doesn't seem to work? Like I said, I haven't got to try /norestart yet. IF I can get past this host not found problem, I'll try that. but what does that do. Will IE 9 continue to work until restart or what? 24 hour shop.