Purpose |
Inventory automatically collects the Time Zone information of each machine, and stores it in the Power Management section of the Inventory data. You can use this information to make sure each client runs tasks at a specific time local to the device to make sure you have the best chance of the task succeeding. Time Zone Targeting only applies to Push type distribution tasks.
Description |
To use the Time Zone Aware Targeting feature follow these steps:
- Schedule your Distribution task, right click the task and go to Properties.
- Click on the "Schedule Task" section. Check the box for "Target time zone aware."
- Select Start Later, and enter the time you would like the task to run.
- Go to the Target Devices section to see the breakdown of how many machine in each time zone will be targeted.
- Click the save button, and your task is now scheduled.
Additional Information |
- If you were to do a Run Now on the task it will start immediately and each time a new time zone comes into the parameters it will execute the task on those machines.
- It takes a Time-Zone Targeted Task 25 hours to run to completion.
- As an example, my Core Server is sitting in the Mountain Time Zone (GMT -7) and I initiate the task at 3PM. Machines in the Mountain Time Zone will be processed immediately, then an hour later Pacific Time Zone (GMT -8) clients will be processed at 3PM their time. The next day Central Time Zone (GMT-6) clients will process the task at 3PM their time.
Affected Products |
LANDESK Management Suite 9.6 and later.