It is sometimes useful to invoke an application on a remote device using a specified user context instead of the LocaSystem user.
To achieve this result, it is possible to use the attached VBS that uses WMI to invoke a process on a remote machine.
There are some limitations:
The machine should not have the personal firewall on or it needs to be configured for WMI remote invocation.
The process can not be interactive ( so no GUI )
The process can not be called from the same computer when the script runs (this script can't run locally):
If the script is executed on COMPUTER-A it is not possible to use the script with the option /COMPUTER:COMPUTER-AThe script is given AS IS, unsupported and without any express warranty. This process does not use any LANDesk files or processes.
runAS /USERNAME:username /PASSWORD:password /COMPUTER:computer /COMMAND:program to run
NOTE: it is suggested to invoke the script with CSCRIPT interpreter.